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Solgt ARKHON INFAUSTUS 'Perdition...' extreme Metal digi-CD
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13 år sedan

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ARKHON INFAUSTUS 'Perdition Insanabilis' extreme Black/Death Metal limited edition digi-pack CD Format: CD, DIGI  Condition: MINT & SEALED   Year of Release:Cat. No.: OPCDL Label: OSMOSE Country of Origin: FRANCE Pushing the envelope of extremity and testing the limits of black metal as a genre, Arkhon Infaustus's "Perdition Insanabilis" is likely the most intense and downright frigtening album this side of Anaal Nathrakh's "The Codex Necro." Avoiding the common trappings of the genre (keyboards, theatrics, etc.), this quartet's heavily death metal influenced sound is black metal in the vein of Zyklon's "World ov Worms." The vocals are almost guttural in pitch, save the occasional high pitched rasp, and as indecipherable as those of Lord Worm - I challenge anyone to follow along with the lyrics; I sure haven't been able to. Frequent time changes keep listeners off balance, as these Canadians can flash from a sludgy, chugging riff to a ferocious blast beat in the blink of an eye. For what they're trying to do, Arkhon Infaustus's musicianship is of the highest quality, boasting of flawless performances and perfectly arranged songs. To call "Perdition Insanabilis" extreme doesn't do it justice; this is the musical equivalent of a sandblaster to the face. This is a can't miss for all you who love the most extreme music out there, but a caveat: this is most definitely not for the weak of heart. Fans of Anaal Nathrakh, Myrkskog, and Zyklon will find something well worth their time here but those who think of Dimmu Borgir when they think of extreme black metal won't find the cheesy melodies and crappy electronics they crave. And, in my book, that's a very good thing. " Perdition Insanabilis" is of 2004's very best! This digi-pack edition has been limited to 3000 copies!Track Listing: Genesis of Loss M33 Constellation Abortion of the Kathavatthu Six Seals Salvation Saturn Motion Theology Oratio Descendere Profanis Codex LXVI Whirlwind Journey Absurd Omega Revelation  
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